CCM Debate Society

Debate, Philosophy, & Current Events

About Us  

The Debate Society of CCM is committed to fostering excellence in free intellectual discourse through hosting events, debates, and Socratic seminars. Our topics will include, but are not limited to; philosophy, current events, politics, and history.

Meetings & Events

We currently meet every Thursday during college hour at 12:30 PM. We meet in Cohen Hall 271 and typically run between an 45 minutes to 1 hour. We have our inaugural meeting on September 19th where you'll learn what is debate and philosophy.  

Rules & Formats

The Debate Society hosts different formats and rules every member must abide by. Please visit our master document for more information including schedule. Master Document.

Recommended Reading 

These are books which will help you expand your knowledge on the various topics we will be discussing during the semester. 

Plato's 5 Dialogues (Hackett Edition)

From Divine Command Theory to the Trial of Athens you will read some of Socrates' best dialogues and teachings. It is very easy to read and a great introduction to Philosophy.

Meditations on First Phil. (Descartes)

Descartes is seen as the greatest modern Philosopher of his time. You will learn timeless and fundamental philosophical questions about knowledge, the self, the mind and its relation to the body, substance, causality, perception, ideas, the existence of god, and more. 

Think (Simon Blackburn)

Blackburn introduces major philosophical genres, such as epistemology, philosophy of the mind, free will, political philosophy, and philosophy of religion, by narrating how key figures in the history of Western philosophy including René Descartes, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and more. 

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